Archive | August 2017

~  R A D I O   S H O W  ~ with Tony Kay


~  R A D I O   S H O W  ~

With Host: Tony Kay, President, Artist-First Radio Network

Featuring Independent Authors Since 1997

Last evening I was honored to be hosted on a 52 minute live radio show with Tony Kay, and I have the mp3 file for those who wish to listen! We had a great live chat and I want to share the link with you. Tony Kay has graciously placed our memoir, When Angels Fly, top, front and center on his website, and we have a rotating commercial indefinitely.

Radio Show Link





This entry was posted on August 30, 2017. 6 Comments

Things on a Tree


Things on a Tree by D.L. Finn

I finished this book today and my review follows the author’s book blurb found on Amazon.

“What a way to spend Christmas Eve! Thirteen-year-old Aimee is sick and missing her dad, who died in a car accident last year. While the rest of her family are outside playing in the snow, she is alone by their Christmas tree. Aimee sighs as the tears begin to fall. She wishes she still believed in Santa Claus. Then she could ask him to change the last year. Yeah, right, she thought. She turns away from the tree, and falls asleep. Later that night, Aimee awakens to a strange noise.

Clink! Clink! Clink!

Her fever must be higher than she thought, because she can’t believe what she is seeing running down her purple blanket! But everything happening to her is very real, including the fact someone wants her dead. Aimee is thrust into a world of magic, wonder and greed. Her journey takes her from her snowy rooftop, to the streets of New York and the North Pole with the promise to return her father to her family. Who could she trust when things aren’t always what they seem?”

I wasn’t sure of the age range for children when I first started my reading. As I read I realized that this book is one that I consider great for children aged 10 – 13 or grades 5 – 8.  Never have I read a Christmas story like this one. I am amazed at how cleverly Finn wove this story. The magic of Christmas comes back to those kids who have outgrown their belief in Santa. This is a well-written, well-worded fantasy story about Christmas with magic woven into the fabric and well laid out. The illustrations are cute. Definite five stars from me!

This entry was posted on August 30, 2017. 7 Comments

Use Your Gifts to Change the World Wednesday – Be Different

His Perfect Timing

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.     Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:1‬

Happy Wednesday!  Please excuse my oops from yesterday.  I’m embarrassed to say that I mixed up my days.

Have you ever felt torn between being a good Christian and being who the world wants you to be?  Have you been guilty of trying to justify today’s watered down standards with the Bible?  Do you have a battle in your mind between what is right (what the news media says is right or what the Church says is right)?  If you said yes to any one of these questions, it is totally understandable.  In today’s society it seems like anything goes.  On top of that television news seems to say whatever you want to do is okay.  We all know deep down that isn’t the case, but how can you truly know…

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How This Indie Author Landed a Barnes & Noble Book Signing…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

by Rainne Mendoza  on The Write Life Site:

If you’re a self-published author, the dream of holding an in-person book signing at a Barnes & Noble bookstore probably seems farfetched.

Yes, the giant retailer sells almost 200 million physical books a year and regularly conducts author events in its stores, but these book events seem to cater only to published authors.

But guess what?

I’m an indie author with one self-published book. As unbelievable as it may seem, my first book signing five months after the book’s release was held inside a Barnes & Noble. I successfully sold a number of books and gained loyal readers.

How did I do it?

By not letting all the what-ifs hiding in my apprehensive author’s mind get in the way. In the end, my determination and patience paid off.

If you’re a self-published author looking for an opportunity to hold a book signing…

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Amazon Keywords Can Make or Break Your Book Sales

Motown Writers Network . . . Michigan Literary Network

Amazon is always changing. This means that your  Amazon keywords may not be as effective as you would like. Your Current Amazon Keywords May Be Obsolete They may even be out of date. Where keywords on Amazon used to be a “set and forget” marketing effort, now with more than 4,500 books being published daily,…

Amazon Keywords for Book Sales by Penny Sansevieri for BookWorks.comAmazon is always changing. This means that your  Amazon keywords may not be as effective as you would like.

Your Current Amazon Keywords May Be Obsolete

They may even be out of date. Where keywords on Amazon used to be a “set and forget” marketing effort, now with more than 4,500 books being published daily, things change more quickly than ever. While we suggest updating them quarterly, at a minimum, you may find that keyword recommendations are changing more frequently, sometimes monthly or even weekly.

So how can a committed…

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To be absent from the body and Present before the LORD

This is the King of Loss. I know this loss all too well.


2 Corinthians 5:8

We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

I should be happy for you, my Son – I guess that is what this passage is trying to tell me.  That is a hard thing for me to process.  You are absent from your body, but also absent from our lives.  I know you are with the LORD, present before HIM.  That must be glorious.  At the same time, I know you did not want to leave your family and friends.  I know being with LORD is wonderful – but I selfishly want you with me, with us.

GOD, YOU have my baby – I know he is YOUR precious child too.  I believe, I know YOU love my baby– so please take care of him.

Help me to focus on the joy he is…

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Emotional Beats: Walking and moving (I)

Nicholas C. Rossis

Back in September, I published Emotional Beats: How to Easily Convert your Writing into Palpable Feelings. As promised, I will be posting the book on my blog. So, here is the next installment, continuing Part 3 of the book: Other Beats. This chapter deals with:

Walking and moving (I)

Emotional Beats | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books Read for free with KU

There are so many ways of describing walking, each of them conveying a certain emotion. For instance, consider the differences between the following: walk; tread; stride; stroll; saunter; march; amble; stagger; perambulate; ramble; meander; wander; dawdle; mosey; roam; rove; travel; journey; tramp; trudge; slog; plod; lumber; scramble; journey; shuffle; hobble; shamble; waddle; trundle; limp.

Here are some more examples:

  • He swung around/spun around.
  • She slinked over to him
  • She hurtled into the room with all the momentum of a tidal wave, slamming the door behind her.
  • He rushed to his feet.
  • He barreled into the room
  • Snake:…

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This entry was posted on August 30, 2017. 2 Comments