Archive | July 2017

Paper in the Wind


Paper in the Wind: Peeling back the lifespan of autism by Olivia Mason-Charles is my reviewed book for today. 

First the author’s blurb found on Amazon, “Paper in the Wind is a compassionate and riveting story depicting a single father’s dedication to his daughter. In the midst of the overwhelming struggles that accompanied autism, he continues to persevere. Her father’s love enabled her to overcome insurmountable obstacles, discovered the power of love and embraced the gift of life.”

This is a short read and the story deals with autism using a father and daughter approach. Initially I thought it was a memoir, but no, it’s not. As a registered nurse, and having worked with most all spectrum of illness such as autism, some of the ideas used help children with the disease, depending on severity. I found the differentiation lacking, but overall an inspirational short read. I found the entire story false in many ways, and I think the author should add in her blurb that this is a work of fiction. I also think that if she actually used things that happened in her own child’s life, the book would make for a better read. Breaking out Grey Goose each time there was a get together for the fathers, with the children playing is poor parenting. I don’t believe anybody would just sleep on the floor of the child’s room. They would use at least an air mattress as the money was there for that, especially when considering said child was given a credit card for school clothes that rang up a bill of $7,000. Every page and just about every paragraph needs serious editing, and the story is shallow and false.


A tear shimmering my 90s journal! 

Free to express

Down the lane, while moving through the tunnel..
Saw them playing, reminds me of those journal..

That first story telling on stage, parents in the crew..
gazing at me, supporting me for the new.

Those ringing of phones, conveying through neighbours..
Landlines were costly, but bonds were swith.

Those covering of books with scissors, tapes and comely stickers..
Fascinated us the ones which had last page scribbles.

Those Walkman, cassettes and earplugs can’t ever beat..
Any gadget and playlists with the same connect.

Those books were the hiding place of dried rose and letters..
Will kindle and WhatsApp replace them ever.

Yeah! Down the lane moving into the tunnel, I remembered my memories of 90s in a journal.


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This entry was posted on July 29, 2017. 7 Comments

Snugs the Snow Bear by Suzy Davies


Snugs the Snow Bear by Suzy Davies

I finished reading this book yesterday and my review follows Davis’ book blurb found on Amazon.

“Snugs The Snow Bear” is the first in a magical series of stories about a lovable, snuggable, huggable polar bear, and his tales of derring-do, along with a menagerie of animal friends. Come and meet Snugs, The Two Moose, Mrs Merryweather, Carla and James, as they take the voyage of a lifetime to a lighthouse on The Isle of Wight, a sunshine island off the South Coast of England, and miles and miles beyond! This first adventure will warm your heart as Snugs, in his own unique way, leaves a radiant, magical impression, especially on one little boy and girl.”

Snugs is a polar bear who floats away from home on a small iceberg. As his journey and story evolves, more magical animals are woven into the narrative. I liked how the reality (Northern Lights, etc.) and the magical portion blended so well.  This adventure fit Snugs to a T. A few words were more than a younger child could understand, but this enables children the ability to speak with their parents, librarian, etc. on areas they don’t understand fully. Amid the narrative, some illustrations are found, and they are cute. A huge mistake that I must comment about is the fact that the narrative related the twelve days of Christmas being the twelve days leading up to Christmas Day, when, in fact, the twelve days of Christmas are the twelve days after Christmas Day. For this reason alone, I must give Snugs the Snow Bear four stars. If at some point the story is edited and corrected regarding the twelve days of Christmas, I will revise to five stars.


Best Foot Forward!


I read Best Foot Forward: A 500-Mile Walk Through Hidden France by Susie Kelly. 

My review follows Kelley’s book blurb found on Amazon.

“When Susie Kelly decides, at the age of 50+, on a whim, to trek alone right across France from West to East, from La Rochelle on the coast, to Lake Geneva in Switzerland, she entrusts her French farmhouse full of assorted animals to a total stranger from San Antonio, Texas. While Susie doggedly tramps 500 miles over unknown terrain, frequently lost and either too hot or too cold, Texan Jennifer Shields copes heroically with lost dogs, erratic electricity, old men hiding in bushes, and a language she cannot speak.

For each of them it is a life-changing experience. Both find their resourcefulness and ingenuity tested to the limit as, in their own ways, they explore and enjoy the culture, cuisine and people of Europe’s most fascinating country.”

I found this a great read. I think I will walk across France but while I figure out how and when to do this I am not telling hubby until I have everything ready to go. Hubby works in England so when I tell him –he doesn’t have a huge chance to talk me out of it–what about all the animals–no problem, I advertised on social media for someone to come stay at our house and take care of the animals for 6 weeks. The two smartest things she did was saying yes to Jennifer from San Antonio, TX, although she already bought her ticket so how could she say NO. The boots were a great investment also–if you are going to walk 500 miles you better have a good comfortable pair of sturdy boots. Now, shall we talk about everything she did wrong!! Nah, everything turned out OK and besides telling her great story she tells us about hidden France–great places off the tourist trap road. The book definitely made me jealous, that I would never do this, but I could enjoy some of the trip by car as she went into detail for the readers. Great book, if you like France and like to travel, you can’t go wrong with this one!!

Why You Should Never Live With A Woman From A Historical Period TV Drama

This is a great spin… awesome. 🙂

Tara Sparling writes

(This isanotherin the Why You Should Never Live With… series. Unreliable Narrator here. Chick-Lit Heroine here. Cop From A Crime Novel here. Young Adult Protagonist here. Literary Fiction Hero here. Romantic Hero here. Historical Fiction Hero here. Women’s Fiction Husband here.)

It’s the weekend. The sun is shining,and you just had the most marvellous avocado-laden brunch in town with friends. You open the door of your ultra-modern duplex. Suddenly, an unseasonably chill wind blows, and you feel the urge to brush cobwebs from your ears. Not for the first time, you peer with confusion at the dingy patterned wallpaper in youroddly darkhallway, and wonder how it got there. You smell fresh onions and old sweat, and turn around. Historical TV Drama Woman is behind you, wearing a frayed muslin dress which was once elegantly pretty – long ago. Her bottom half…

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Do We Need to Write a Consequence for Every Action?

A Writer's Path

by Jean M. Cogdell

A reaction for every action? Large or small?

The short answer is yes. I think so.
Once I grasp this concept, things began going a little smoother. Now in each scene, I stop and ask what will the characters consequence be for each action.

Even the smallest of decisions can move a story forward. For instance, stopping to buy a coffee can result in meeting the right or wrong person. Turning left instead of right can result in an accident or a chance meeting. See. Each decision your character makes must have a consequence sooner or later to drive the story to the end.

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#FREE “When Angels Fly” July 24th-28th!


FREE FREE FREE FREE July 24-28!!!!

When Angels Fly by Schmidt, Jackson, and Raymond
#AmazonBestseller! #Multi award winner!

“So touching and down to earth… It has changed my way of viewing life. Beautifully written, deeply touching, spiritually blessed!”

“An important story! Poignant! Beautifully told! Gripping! Powerful!”
~ Linda Mims, Author

For me, this book encapsulates the human spirit. Everyone should read it! When Angels Fly does exactly what it sets out to do I believe – it reminds us that “There but for the grace of God, go I.” ~ Grant Leishman, Author

“I loved, cried, was saddened, and strengthened by reading When Angels Fly. You both are wonderful and inspirational role models. We each have challenges to face in this
lifetime, and I believe they are opportunities to grow and be stronger.”
~ Karen R. Ingalls, Author

“There is no greater sorrow than that of losing a child. You have faced that sorrow with great heartbreak and courage, in addition to facing other mountainous challenges. Your writing is a testimony to your strength.” ~ Gwen Plano, Author

“I read your story and came to the conclusion that you are a fighter after my own heart. You fought for your child with every ounce of strength you could muster, and in the end, that’s all you can do. You can sleep well knowing that you did all you could do and therefore have no regrets. Be good to yourself and keep moving forward.”
~ Shirley Harris-Slaughter, Author


This entry was posted on July 24, 2017. 6 Comments

Review: The Truth She Knew


The Truth She Knew by J.A. Owenby

I just finished reading this book and my review follows Owenby’s book blurb found on Amazon.

“Mama didn’t want me. In fact, she would’ve traded my soul back for someone different if God would’ve let her, but he didn’t, so she was stuck with me. 

For eighteen-year-old Lacey, life at home is a rollercoaster. She doesn’t think she’ll ever be good enough to truly deserve Mama’s love. But when she enters college and meets Walker, everything starts to change. Suddenly, Lacey is face to face with the realization that maybe what she’s always seen as normal really isn’t. Her entire life–and everything she’s ever believed about herself and her family–is abruptly hanging in midair.

Lacey is left facing two paths, and she has to make a choice. The first means walking away from everything she’s ever known. The other means never really knowing the truth.

The Truth She Knew offers an honest and powerful glimpse into mental illness, the meaning of true love, and the psychological waltz that a daughter dances as she endures her mother’s unpredictable emotions, manipulation, and abuse.”

*** Ages 17+ Contains language, sex, and violence
*** This is book 1 in a series

This is a mostly well-written young adult novel. I don’t like six or seven sentences in one paragraph to start with “I”, and I think a few simple edits would then make this book shine!

That said, Owenby writes about many social and dysfunctional issues that need to be read, and absorbed. Solutions must be found. I saw myself in “Lacey” to a certain extent, and it is sad to know that “brain washing” does happen in some families, including my own growing up. It is vitally important for readers to read this kind of abuse and to watch for it in real life. Owenby should be commended for tackling this issue. When Walker comes in to Lacey’s life, I thought things were going to be okay for her. I couldn’t fathom why this man left Lacey, his dying mother, and his thirteen year old brother for the military. Walker and Emma should have known something was wrong when Lacey went missing for more than a week and they should have searched for her, and rescued her. Instead, Walker ditches Lacey, and quickly marries an old girl friend. I wanted to see Walker and Lacey together, and it didn’t happen. Four stars from me.


Grammar Is A Must-But Lose That English Teacher Writing!

Writing your first novel-Things you should know

English teacherI wasn’t an English major, but I never had an issue with stringing words together and making a coherent, easy to read sentence. I know most of the rules, but I also know those rules are meant to be broken, especially if you are writing fiction.

The purpose of English Teacher grammar is to understand how to create sanitized, standardized, easy to understand, impersonal, inoffensive writing. If you’re looking for a job writing pamphlets for the government, instructional manuals, or news reports, then that’s the way to go.

These rules aren’t meant for fiction. That does not mean your story shouldn’t be grammatically and structurally sound. We are talking about styles here, not mechanics.

Fiction writing is nonstandardized, complex, personal, and occasionally offensive. It is the best way to reach into your readers head and show him your words. In order to bring your voice to life and get your world on…

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