Archive | March 2017

Writing and Body Language

Jens Thoughts

I find one of the most talked about topics in writing is “show don’t tell”. It doesn’t seem to matter how much I try not to I still do, and I also find myself repeating words or not describing actions well.

I stumbled on this list of body language for us to keep near us while writing.


he lowered his head
she hung her head
he ducked
she bowed her head
he covered his eyes with a hand
she pressed her hands to her cheeks

she raised her chin
he lifted his chin

her hands squeezed into fists
his hands tightened into fists
she clenched her fists
she balled her fists
he unclenched his fists
her arms remained at her sides

he shrugged
she gave a half shrug
he lifted his shoulder in a half shrug
she gave a dismissive wave of her hand

she raised a hand in greeting

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Sea Shadows

writing in north norfolk

The sea is a shadow washing the shoreline,
filling in dents and scavenging sand,
drowning dunes in beach foam and brine.

The sea is a shadow chasing along the strand,
shattering shells and scattering stones,
casting its treasures on the bleak hinterland.

The sea is a shadow of clamours and moans,
a sobbing soliloquy borne on the wind,
stealing your breath and rattling your bones.

Kim M. Russell, 2017

Sea ShadowsMy response to Sue Vincent’s Daily EchoThursday photo prompt – Empty #writephoto

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So You Got Rejected-Join The Club

Writing your first novel-Things you should know

untitledSo you received the dreaded rejection letter.  Well it was bound to happen.  You are in great company, and I wasn’t talking about me.  If you are a writer, then rejection will be a part of your everyday life.  Author David Eddings said, “If you don’t have callouses on your soul, writing isn’t for you. Take up knitting instead.” Funny but true.

When you get your rejection letter and odds are you will, treating it as an insult and allowing it to bring out the worst in you will stall your dream of becoming an Author.

Those who are successful as novelists recover and learn from their rejection letters. They use them as motivation to become better writers. They recognize that rejection hurts, but see it as part of the process. They also take action.

  • Wallow then write – Give yourself thirty minutes or so to  get the rejection out of your system, then get…

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The 7 Essential Website Elements

Pen & Paper

Time is always a factorand that goes for readers too. So, make it easy for followers to follow. Here are 7 ways to keep followers following, but the most important thing is to faithfully respond in kind and don’t take anything for granted.

(The following is a post from WordPress forum: Most WordPress themes are free, but you can also buy a premium theme, which will come with better support and forums (meaning you can work out bugs more quickly), more frequent updates and more customization options.) 

1.Make sure your author name stands out or brand: Some authors also add a tagline or description that clearly describes the type of writing they do. For example, novelist CJ Lyons’ is “Thrillers with Heart.”

2.Email newsletter signup: Whether you send it once a year or once a week, start a free email newsletter to stay in touch with readers…

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15 Tips for Writing Poetry

poetry 2Since I’m participating in A to Z next month, I have to get the word out early that April is National Poetry Month.

Poetry is not something I’m good at writing so I enjoy it vicariously through online friends like this amazing poem by Diana over at Myths of the Mirror or Andrew’s (at Andrew’s View of the Week) poem about the River. I’ve been following them for several years and always find their poetry startlingly personal, quick peeks into a world ruled by emotion and heart. I’m way too structured for that so only enjoy it through someone else’s eyes.

To honor April’s National Poetry Month, here are fifteen tips from those who have no trouble delivering this concise-but-pithy form of writing:

  • avoid cliches. Too often, they are unoriginal thoughts on a subject. Instead of using these pre-packaged descriptions, create your own. Instead of:

Her scowl looked…

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This entry was posted on March 27, 2017. 2 Comments