Archive | October 2017

22 Things All Writers Have to Deal With At Some Point Because Writing Is Hard

Meg Dowell Writes

1. Writing for free.

2. Being approached to write for free. (Too often.)

3. Writing in a very uncomfortable position while on a train/bus/plane/in a car.

4. Trying to write while your fur children/tiny humans are battling for your attention.

5. Falling asleep on your keyboard because you procrastinated again why do you always do this.

6. Wanting to agree to do another writing thing but oops you can’t create more hours in the day. Sad…

7. Accepting a writing gig because you want to buy a thing but can’t justify doing so otherwise.

8. Accepting a writing gig because you need to adult, even though you don’t want another writing gig.

9. Pitching something you don’t really want to write because you know it’ll circulate well.

10. Being able to quit a job you don’t like because you found a writing thing you do like — that pays.


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Rosco the Rascal Visits the Pumpkin Patch by Shana Gorian


I have read this children’s book geared towards ages 7 – 12 and my review follows the author’s book blurb found on Amazon.

“James and Mandy head to the pumpkin patch with their friendly dog, Rosco, one sunny autumn day, to choose their pumpkins for Halloween. It’s Rosco’s first time at a farm, and he manages to create a little chaos. But when the brother and sister pair find that two bullies are scaring other kids deep inside the corn maze, will Rosco shape up and help out? Join the kids and their rascally dog in this wholesome family adventure, a wonderful autumn read for kids.”

This is a cute and adventurous story for children and revolves around an Autumn/Halloween scenario. There is a nuclear family unit consisting of two parents, one boy and one girl child, and their funny and lovable dog, Rosco. Rosco tries to be good but he does get into hi-jinks at times. As a child reads it is easy to envision being inside a corn maze, and doing all the things they partake in. Understandably the Halloween theme isn’t for everyone, but this is an enjoyable fun read. The flow is easy and truly the grammar and punctuation is perfect. The illustrations are cute but they are so small that I skipped over them. I think they should be bigger to make a better impact on the reader. Nevertheless, five stars!


This entry was posted on October 29, 2017. 4 Comments

Intellectual Property – an Indie minefield

Meeka's Mind

I am in no danger of having my intellectual property [IP] diddled away by some corporation waving a contract, but Kristine Kathryn Rusch* is, and her latest post was scary to say the least. Here’s a short quote:

‘Those companies can all acquire IP from stupid writers for less than $10,000 per property forever. Just say the word “movie” or “TV” and most stupid writers give away their IP for free, in the hopes of having a movie or TV show made from their property. The property they no longer own, by the way.’

But the most terrifying part was this:

It doesn’t matter if your copyright is registered, the expert said. They’ll register anyway, even before they’ve started production on anything. The strategy is to create confusion over who owns the copyright, and it’ll take litigation to straighten that confusion out.

The bold emphasis is…

View original post 221 more words

This entry was posted on October 27, 2017. 2 Comments

How do I make a change to my book after it is published?

Go to the original blog post and save it for future needs.

Kobo Writing Life

By Stephanie McGrath

You have successfully published your book and it is now live on our store. Congratulations! However, you notice a typo that needs immediate attention. What do you do?

Whether it is a content change, metadata update or price change, you can make changes to a published title at any time. To do this please follow the steps below:

How to Make a Metadata Change

1. Sign into your Kobo Writing Life account. (


2. On on the homepage select “eBooks” to see your catalogue of titles.


3. Select the title you would like to update.


4. You will be automatically directed to the “Describe your eBook” page.


5. Make any metadata changes you wish to make.

6. If you want to make more changes to other parts of the book select “Save and continue”. If not, select “Save and return to your Library”.


How to Make a…

View original post 550 more words

9 Manuscript Editing Software Programs Reviewed…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

by Carla King  on BookBaby Blog:

While a good, professional (human) editor is invaluable to your book – the purchase of manuscript editing software can be another prudent investment.

Manuscript editing software programs do much more than the built-in spelling and grammar checkers in your word processor.

Some offer “first-pass” or “last-pass” editing to clean up mistakes in spelling, grammar, and punctuation; others make suggestions for improving your language.

These programs can alert you to overuse of adverbs, clichés, redundancies, overlong sentences, sticky sentences, glue words, vague and abstract words, diction, and the misuse of dialog tags, to name just a few.

Some of these tools will even connect you with a human editor with a click of a button.

In alphabetical order, here are some of my favorites (this is by no means an exhaustive list).

See all the programs reviewed at:

Manuscript Editing Programs Reviewed


I recommend that these…

View original post 18 more words

This entry was posted on October 23, 2017. 2 Comments

How to Embed Tweets in Your Blog Post

Lemon Shark


Tweets aren’t just for Twitter anymore.

Here’s a neat thing you can do with those tweets right here on your WordPress blog. It’s wicked cool. And easy. 3 steps…done.

All of you lovely bloggers know I’m not a techie but I wanted to share this fun find with you.

I have visuals, too, which is awesome. Admittedly, I went a bit bonkers with the arrows but…you get the point. (I know. I’m hilarious.)

First we’re going old school with a “cut and paste” URL option, then we’ll embed an html code like we know what we’re doing.

No need to hurt your eyes squinting at the screenshots—you can click to enlarge them. Let’s get tweeting on our blogs.

Copy Link Option:


Choose the tweet you want. Click on the cute, little grey v-shaped thingy in the top, right corner.

Click to enlarge


You’ll see a drop-down…

View original post 363 more words

This entry was posted on October 20, 2017. 2 Comments

That Is How Things Are by Mrs. D


That Is How Things Are by Mrs. D.

I was given this book by the author, and having read it, review follows the author’s book blurb found on Amazon.

“That Is How Things Are contains two connected stories: “The Autumn Wind”—A moving story about the powerful wind and the peaceful garden, and how things change quickly when the callous autumn wind unleashes his power. 

The Kitten and the Sparrow”—A heartwarming story about friendship between a kitten and a sparrow, and how the little kitten learns about the power of nature.”

This book contains two stories, ‘The Autumn Wind’ and ‘The Kitten and the Sparrow’ which the author has woven so that books complement each other. In ‘The Autumn Wind‘, children learn about autumn and the weather’s effects on the trees, the changing colors of the leaves, and how ferocious the cold winds can be like, depending on where one lives this time of year.

The Kitten and the Sparrow’ is the second book and it ties in with the first book nicely. The reader views autumn from the view of a kitten and her sparrow friend.  Children learn not only the nature of autumn, but also the way that birds migrate to find food and shelter away from the strong cold winds and weather. It was a positive touch to add that the characters come back each spring.

The illustrations are lovely and tied in with both stories; the trees have faces, the wind cloud has a face and the cloud swirls around showing children how clouds from above affect the trees and life on the ground. Five stars!

This entry was posted on October 18, 2017. 2 Comments