Murder by Numbers

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From Amazon:

Our two zany sleuths, Page and Betsy, return in Book 3, landing another twisty murder case. The two cousins stop by The Perk Coffee Shop for pumpkin lattes to celebrate the first day of fall. An ever-observant Page notices Shell Isle’s High School math teacher sitting nearby. His odd actions awaken her curiosity. Hunched over the newspaper’s classified section, the teacher is frantically circling numbers and mumbling to himself. More troubling, the sleuth witnesses a bruiser of a guy joining him. With a quick exchange of laptops and heated words, the thug disappears out the door, leaving the teacher rattled. Immediately, Page gets one of her inklings, signaling there’s more than coffee brewing at The Perk.

The story’s twisty plot will keep readers guessing until the last chapter. Splashes of light romance, plenty of shenanigans, and a few unexpected surprises await.

BONUS: Betsy’s recipes are included. Calling them a ‘bonus’ may be a stretch. She’s a lousy cook.

My Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars Another Shell Isle HitReviewed in the United States on February 20, 2024

Verified Purchase

This is another Shell Isle Hit for sleuths Page and Betsy. I tried to figure out the suspect that killed Dean and I failed. Page and Betdy are on it thanks in part to Page and her inklings and nudges. Romance is alive on Shell Isle, and I think it’s way past time for Page and Steve to at least become engaged. The use of ciphers gives a slighte sliver of a spy noir feeling.

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