Gone in an Instant! #memoir

Please welcome Tammy Horvath to my blog. Good morning, Tammy. Shall we sit down with our morning brew and chat?

1. Please introduce yourself to those reading this blog post.

Hi, I’m Tammy Horvath. In 2017 my son was murdered and in the days and months that followed, I had to face the horror of losing my son and forgiving his killer. So I’ve written a memoir. Gone in an Instant is that story and I believe it will give hope to anyone who needs to forgive that person in their life who’s impossible to forgive.  

2. Has writing always been part of your life and when did you “know” that it was time to start writing your first book?

The year after my son, Luke, went home to be with the Lord, I sensed God calling me to tell the world my story. I had never thought of myself as a writer, but God had a different plan. Gone in an Instant: Losing My Son, Loving His Killer doesn’t just chronicle the agonizing events of my son’s death but follows my own journey to faith, forgiveness, love, and renewed hope. Ultimately, it’s about how I learned to live each day to honor my son’s memory and to serve God with the assurance that he will use my son’s death for good, because that is what our heavenly Father does.

3. How difficult was it to write your first book?

It was very difficult. Writing this book meant reliving all the trauma. Then I had to relive it, again and again, each time I edited the manuscript.

4. Have you ever wanted to give up and what stopped you?

Going through all my videos pushed me close to giving up on life. But I knew God had called me to do this and that this was for his glory. God has given me the message to tell each and every person I come across that he loves them. I can only pray my story will touch many lives and help others who have been in similar situations. (I can understand this pain all too well. I wish I had videos to watch of my children in heaven.)

5. Who is the most supportive of you and your dream to be a writer?

Definitely my husband. He cooks and makes me tea while I sit at my computer writing, sometimes for twelve hours each day. He knows I am doing the work God put me here to do, serving my purpose, and he loves me for it.

6. Anything specific you want to tell your readers?

I write and speak so that every reader may know God’s immeasurable love and that forgiveness is the essence of God’s love. I can’t wait for the day I meet God face-to-face and am reunited with my son and other loved ones in heaven.

7. What is the best advice given to you (book or otherwise), and by whom?

As the well-known theologian, pastor, and Christian author Charles Stanley once said:

“Every person is born with a deep desire to be loved unconditionally, but when this yearning is not fully met, many hurts and scars can result. What security and wholeness there is in knowing that we can call God “our Father” and receive that unconditional love!”

I live by Pastor Stanley’s words and that’s why I’m committed to loving the unlovable and forgiving as I have been forgiven.

8. What is your target audience?

In my deeply moving and ultimately triumphant Christian book about child loss, I share the story of how God revealed Himself in astounding ways and set me free in a manner I could never have imagined. I share how I got through the pain and grief of losing my only child to murder. So can anyone who is suffering.

Gone in an Instant can do the same for you, if

  • There’s a person you just can’t figure out how to forgive.
  • You forgive but slip back into unforgiveness.
  • You want to be free, once and for all, of all the things you haven’t forgiven yourself for.
  • You’ve lost a loved one and don’t want to continue living.
  • You feel like you are all alone and no one cares about you.
  • You want help, but you don’t know where to turn.

9. Did the cover evolve the same way, or did you work with someone to make it come together for you?

I originally designed the cover myself. It was a beautiful view of the northern lights like I saw in Iceland, where I found comfort and peace shortly after losing my son. After several writing classes, which taught me that my cover needed to have my picture on it. It was then that I hired a professional graphic designer to make my new cover. On it, my smiling face reflects the peace in my heart.

10. What are you working on now? Can we get a peek, an excerpt?

I am currently sharing my story by speaking while trying to show everyone that God loves them. But who knows what God has in store for me?

11. Any last words before we wrap things up?

My heart breaks for anyone who has experienced the pain I’ve felt. But, there is hope. Come alongside me and learn from me. You are loved, and you have a purpose.

You can reach me at tammy@tammyhorvath.com or any of my other social media links. May God bless everyone who reads this.

Tammy’s Bio:

Whether climbing pyramids in Mexico, scaling glaciers in Iceland, or island hopping in the Caribbean, Tammy Horvath lives life to the full. She loves getting immersed in a good book (reading it on the beach), playing pool, or singing karaoke—although she’s severely voice challenged to the point where her husband only lets her sing at home. She has a background in real estate and insurance, and for over ten years, she’s volunteered with a Christian nonprofit that serves children at risk around the world. Tammy lives in western Pennsylvania with her amazing husband Michael.

Website: www.tammyhorvath.com

Blog/Newsletter: https://tammyhorvath.com/blog

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/tammyhorvath

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Tammy-Horvath-Author-105123048249378

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thorvathauthor

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/TammyHorvathAuthor

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tammyhorvathauthor

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaW9dstrXwfd7kjPYfn-9nA

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/gone-in-an-instant-tammy-horvath/1137019625?ean=9781736886113

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Tammy-Horvath/e/B088TW87D3?ref_=pe_1724030_132998060

Amazon book link: https://www.amazon.com/Gone-Instant-Losing-Loving-Killer/dp/B09SRFX97N/ref=sr_1_1?crid=9C82XQHP06G5&keywords=gone+in+an+instant+tammy+horvath&qid=1647714707&sprefix=Gone+in+an+In%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-1

4 thoughts on “Gone in an Instant! #memoir

  1. Tammy, I hope your book reaches many many people who are in pain. You are such a lovely person. Knowing you can and have forgiven your son’s killer gives hope to everyone who is being eaten by anger and bitterness.

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