Refuge by Jeff Kerr

Please welcome author, Jeff Kerr, to my blog.

1. Please introduce yourself to those reading this blog post.

My name is Jeff Kerr. I am an author and screenwriter in Austin, Texas.

2. Has writing always been part of your life and when did you “know” that it was time to start writing your first book?

I’ve always enjoyed writing but didn’t decide to write a book until 2003. I became interested in photographing interesting buildings in Austin and comparing the modern view with historical views I looked up at the city’s history center. One night at dinner, as I was regaling my wife and two children with what I thought were fascinating stories about my finds, my son said, “Enough, Dad. Write a book.” So, I did.

3. How difficult was it writing your first book?

The process was a bit intimidating to me, mainly because everything was new. I found someone who works with authors to guide them through the process. She proved enormously helpful. I self-published the first book, which was scary because this was before ebooks were a thing. I therefore had to spend a significant amount of money having several thousand copies printed. I also had to pay for the rights to use 100 historic photos. By speaking to every central Texas I could wrangle an invitation from, I managed to sell enough books to make a significant profit over my original investment. I realized I enjoyed writing enough to keep at it. All in all, I’ve published or had published three non-fiction books and two novels, with two more novels set for release this year.

4. Have you ever wanted to give up and what stopped you?

I’ve put screenwriting on hold for the time being to focus on writing novels. For the moment, too, I’ve given up on traditional publishing, as I’ve been unable to land an agent. A few months ago I learned of Mark Dawson’s Self-Publishing Formula, which offers numerous courses in self-publishing. I also reached out to an established self-published author for advice. The information I gained from these two sources has shown me a path to success.

5. Who is the most supportive of you and your dream to be a writer?

My wife. For twenty years she has indulged me, allowing me to take the risks necessary to find success.

6. Anything specific you want to tell your readers?

Feedback is always welcome. Send me a note and I’ll write back.

7. What is the best advice given to you (book or otherwise), and by whom?

The author I mentioned above advised writing short stories or books that are used as reader magnets to gain followers. I wrote four prequel short stories to my upcoming thriller that I give away through bookfunnel. This has enabled me to increase my list of followers from a mere handful to over 2,000 in just a few months.

8. What is your target audience and what aspect of your writing do you feel targets that audience?

I write thrillers and crime fiction, so am targeting readers interested in those genres.

9. Did the cover evolve the same way, or did you work with someone to make it come together for you?

The book cover? I hired a professional designer that I found on that I have been quite pleased with. I am convinced that money spent on an excellent cover is a wise investment.

10. What are you working on now? Can we get a peek, an excerpt?

Readers can download the first chapter of my upcoming thriller Refuge, to be released July 17th,at this link:

I’ve combined three of the prequels into a single file titled Into the Fire, which can be downloaded free at

A fourth prequel, First Case, is available for free download at

11. Any last words before we wrap things up?

Readers can learn more about me at my website

Author Biography

Jeff Kerr

Jeff Kerr is the author of five books. He co-wrote and co-produced the documentary film The Last of the Moonlight Towers and a feature film, the psychological thriller Writer’s Block. Upcoming book projects include Refuge, a thriller scheduled for release July 17, 2023, and Blunt Force Trauma, the first book in a planned series about a modern-day sheriff’s deputy in a small Texas town.

Jeff lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and dog. When not writing, he can be found floating a river or battling cedar on his small slice of Texas Hill Country land.









Pre-order links for Refuge are on my website (Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Apple books)

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