How to avoid 9 common punctuation mistakes that make you look dumb…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

by Lucy Yang  in Business Insider UK site:

The INSIDER Summary:

National Punctuation Day is on September 24.

The day was created to celebrate the correct usage of all punctuation.

While we all slip up from time to time, there are some basic punctuation mistakes you should never make in formal writing.

For example, don’t confuse “it’s” and “its,” don’t use an apostrophe to pluralize nouns, and don’t use semicolons and commas interchangeably.

National Punctuation Day is celebrated every year in the US on September 24.

Founded by Jeff Rubin in 2004, the day was created to celebrate the correct usage of all punctuation, from the “lowly comma” to the “ever-mysterious ellipsis.”

In honor of National Punctuation Day this year, INSIDER rounded up nine basic punctuation mistakes you should never make in formal writing.

Watch out for these errors in your cover letters, academic essays, professional emails, and more.


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